Latest Episodes

October 31, 2022
Celebrating Two Years of Side B Stories
For two years, we’ve been sharing stories of atheist and skeptics’ journeys from disbelief to belief in God and Christianity. Thank you for listening...

October 28, 2022
Astrophysicist Searches for Answers – Dr. Hugh Ross’s Story
Former atheist Dr. Hugh Ross, an astrophysicist, began an intensive search to discover the cause of the universe, and it led him to God....

October 14, 2022
How Did Life Begin? – Fazale Rana’s Story
Former skeptic Dr. Fazale Rana, a biochemist, began to question whether evolution could explain the origin of life. He began to reconsider the need...

September 30, 2022
Science is Not Enough – Dr. Sy Garte’s Story
Dr. Sy Garte, a biochemist, was raised as a communist and militant atheist. He began to question his naturalistic worldview as he began to...

September 16, 2022
Pursuit of the True and Beautiful – Dr. Andrew Parker’s Story
Psychiatrist Andrew Parker’s pursuit of the true and beautiful led him to consider the possibility of God, but his personal life hindered belief. After...

September 02, 2022
Plato Wasn’t Enough – Craig Keener’s Story
Professor Craig Keener became a convinced atheist at an early age. When philosophy left him without solid answers, his intellectual curiosity led him to...