Latest Episodes

April 14, 2023
From Millionaire to Minister – Stu Fuhlendorf’s Story
Former atheist Stu Fuhlendorf felt no need for God, achieving high level of success and power in the business world. However, his achievements were...

March 31, 2023
From Anti-religion to Faith-driven – Will Witt’s Story
Former atheist Will Witt presumed atheism was true until his beliefs began to fall apart under the weight of scrutiny for grounding of his...

March 17, 2023
Doubting Towards God – Pedro Garcia’s Story
Former atheist Pedro Garcia grew up in a secular culture, making it easy to leave his nominal religion behind. After encountering serious, intelligent Christians,...

March 03, 2023
Rational Belief – Malia Sienkiewiez’s Story
Former atheist Malia grew up in a religious home but she never personally believed in God. When she followed atheism’s rational end towards nihilism,...

February 17, 2023
Disproving God – Ben Clifton’s Story
Former atheist Ben Clifton thought religious belief was for the weak-minded, for those who didn’t believe in science. His caricatures of Christianity began to...

February 03, 2023
Letters to an Atheist – Nico Tarquinio’s Story
Former atheist Nico Tarquinio rejected a religion he thought was not worthy of belief. As a lawyer, he considered both sides in a search...